Building Your Resiliency Toolkit


According to National Alliance on Mental Illness (NAMI), 1 in 5 American adults will experience some form of mental illness in any given year. Given these staggering numbers, mental health impacts every family. Equipping yourself with a resiliency tool kit will not only help you or your loved ones survive the experience, but could actually lead to what is referred to as Post-Traumatic Growth

My Top 3 Survival Tools (Resiliency Toolkit) were a compilation of the resiliency research I came across; simplified, and presented in a way that would make sense to anyone currently navigating through a stormy season. As one can reason, it is much easier to strengthen and repair a ship when it is not being tossed by the rough seas. Take inventory below and start building your tool kit while your ship is anchored in the harbor!

Top 3 Survival Tools (Resiliency Toolkit):  

1. Champion(s): Tool #1:


Perspective: Your view changes knowing that you are not alone. Who is in your Support Group?

You don't have to have an entourage; but you do need a strong champion or two that will remain present; non-judgmentally, throughout your stormy season.

2. Mindfulness: Breathing, Meditation, Yoga, Exercise, Running. Tool #2.


One research-based strategy to deal with toxic stress and trauma is called Mindfulness; of which physical exercise is one example. Focusing on breathing and remaining in the moment are all critical components. 


3. Spiritual Presence: Tool #3: "Spirituality" as defined in a plural sense:


The most important aspect of anyone's journey is how can it be used and cultivated to serve a greater purpose? Cultivating a thankful heart can play a major role in overcoming discouragement, grief, pain, and discontentment. 


Allocating time each day to these 3 basic tools will not only keep you healthy but also serve as a refuge to those around you. I would love to hear how you have developed your own set of tools in the comments below. Never Give Up! The world needs to hear your story!




Bullies: Unhidden Triggers


Charlottesville; yet another opportunity to teach our students critical thinking